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JDRF Breakfast of Champions


Want to learn more about JDRF and its ongoing impact on a cure for type 1 diabetes and awareness right here in Orange County? You can attend the JDRF Breakfast of Champions on Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at the Ford Forum in Irvine. At this free one-hour breakfast you can meet members of the JDRF family, get a taste of what JDRF is all about, and find out about many opportunities for involvement and partnerships.

JDRF has funded more than $1.7 Billion in research to address Type 1 Diabetes, with much of the research aiding not only the fight against diabetes, but also against other auto-immune diseases. More than 80% of JDRF expenditures go directly to research and research related education.

Breakfast of Champions at Ford Forum (at the Taco Bell building), at One Glen Bell Way in Irvine.

Simply contact the JDRF office at 949.553.0363 or email to RSVP. 


Pinkberry Style


Pinkberry,  the original tart frozen yogurt company that launched in 2005 in West Hollywood, will also be celebrating National Frozen Yogurt Day, on Tuesday, from 5 to 7 p.m. Stop by a Pinkberry for a free small frozen yogurt with toppings. Pinkberry’s known for its light and refreshing taste, fresh hand-cut fruits and natural toppings.

Pinkberry has locations throughout Orange County including Brea, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana, and Tustin.  

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